Hilton Presbyterian Preschool
Building the future, hand in hand.
Serving the Children of the Peninsula Since 1965
Director's Page
Susan Murphy, Director
School Philosophy and Format
The purpose of the Preschool is to offer a program based on sound child-development theory. Through both child-initiated and teacher-directed activities in a nurturing environment, we provide the firm foundations for academic learning. This environment allows students the opportunity to develop personal identity, positive self-concepts, confidence, independence, problem solving skills, creative thinking, and social interaction skills. Through play and by experiencing the use of various materials, children move at their own rate toward a readiness for literacy with eagerness to learn and the independence and self-confidence to do so.

The School Environment
The day that children come to school is a very important step in their young lives. We want the change from home to school to be a happy one; children need to feel safe and secure in their new environment.
The beginning experiences for a child are the base on which later development hinges. In the preschool, a world planned for successful endeavor, the children may search out their own modes of expression. The Preschool is a large enough space for each child to find his/her own fulfillment. No one needs to be coerced into the pattern of another. Each child finds in the Preschool the following:
Mature expression of child love and unconditional self-acceptance
A climate which promotes psychological and physical security, with little personal threat
A group with which he/she can develop a sense of identification
An atmosphere of approval for his/her efforts, with personal recognition
Numerous opportunities to feel important and significant
A chance to function independently, assume responsibility, make choices, and participate in making decisions
A community that values the child as a child and provides real time and space for the essential work of early childhood, which is play.
Our Preschool facilities exist for the purpose of providing a rich living-learning environment with a balanced, yet flexible and spontaneous program.
The program includes both self-selected, self-directed activities, such as block building, book browsing, and different "centers;" and teacher-directed or group experiences like music and movement, games, and other relevant short lessons.