Visitors and New Members
Welcome! We are glad you are here!
Sunday Morning Information
Worship starts at 10:00 and Sunday School starts at 11:00.
(In June, July & August there is no Sunday School)
Parking is tight, but we make it work! Please park on the River Road side of the church or in the Hilton Elementary School parking lot. Handicapped spaces are in front of the church on Main Street. During the week, please observe street signs when parking: the Hilton Elementary School parking lot is off limits and the front of the church is used as a drop-off/pick up line for the preschool during specific hours.
The Nursery is open to children up to preschool age from 10:00-12:00, staffed with loving and experienced childcare providers.
Sunday School classes are in the educational building. We have 1 class for children K-5, 1 class for youth 6-12, and classes for adults. See the Christian Education page for more information.
Welcome! Ushers will welcome you to the sanctuary. They wear blue name tags and are very helpful with any questions you have. Find a seat. Visitors are invited to fill out a “Visitor’s Card” and place it in the offering plate. We also have prayer request cards available. These are placed in the offering plate too, for our prayers of the people that day. Large print hymnals are available upon request.
Children are welcome! Be you fidgety or quiet, you are just fine! We have a nursery in room 103 as you may need. In the narthex, there are worship activity clipboards for children ages 3-6 and 7 and up.
Joining the Church
Are you interested in becoming a member of Hilton Presbyterian Church? Or would you like to learn more about the Christian faith, baptism, the Presbyterian Church, or programs and ministries of HPC? Please contact Pastor Clark, any Ruling Elder or the church office. New members are received upon profession of faith, reaffirmation of faith or by letter of transfer.